Connect to the live event on:, or Date: Thursday, May 19, 2022 Start Time: 10 AM Prompt or visit Venue: Hall 1, Trade Fair Complex, Ojo.
International Gospel Ministers’ Conference (I.G.M.C.) Of The Hour, Lagos Sub-region invites all gospel Ministers, particularly those in Lagos and the Ogun States, to a special Gospel Ministers’ Summit with the theme *End- Time Realities And God’s Eleventh Hour Agenda. The Summit will also be aired live on: or
International Gospel Ministers’ Conference (I.G.M.C.) Of The Hour Lagos Subregion invites all gospel Ministers, particularly those in Lagos and Ogun States to a special Gospel Ministers’ Summit with the theme *End- Time Realities And God’s Eleventh Hour Agenda
Before we go detailing the critical phenomena of these times, it is advised that, as we return from this meeting, we ensure that we read through what is documented hereunder regularly, so we can keep abreast of them as we continue in ministry.
As those who must give account of others and the talents we have received from the Lord (Hebrews 13:17 and Matthew 25:14-29), we cannot afford to be ignorant of those circumstances militating against our christian lives, those of our families, our ministries and the church at large.
Men and women of God, inspite of the numerous evil circumstances of our times which we have reviewed, the Lord is bent on making up His jewels, the bride of Christ, the wise virgins, that glorious bride without spot and without wrinkle for the soon-coming D-day,
The International Gospel Ministers’ Conference of the hour was commenced in November 2000 (as we were bidden by the Lord), following the word of knowledge given to Pastor A. C. Ohanebo (the senior pastor of the WCCRM) in April 1999.
It is common knowledge that all things which God does or allows are always done or allowed for some purposes (cons. John 13:4-15; Jer. 29:11). Therefore, IGMC of the hour has been arranged by the Lord for the following purposes:‑